InterChanvre has been organizing and supporting the French industrial hemp sector since 2003. Its distinctive feature is that it consists of two colleges, representing on one hand the producers (FNPC) and on the other hand all French hemp industrialists (UTC). Its objective is to promote the ecological, economic and local qualities of hemp, while encouraging scientific and technical research activities.
Every three years, industry stakeholders develop the Industry Plan, which defines the hemp industry strategy, action plan and budget needed for its implementation. Validated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty as well as by the Ministry of Economy, the Industry Plan legitimizes the interprofession, which is authorized to collect the Mandatory Voluntary Contribution (CVO).

The hemp industry brings together producers and industrialists who, united by a strong bond, work daily with passion and dedication to optimize agricultural practices and promote bio-based products. To respond with agility to the challenges of industrial hemp development, InterChanvre covers the entire bio-based production chain, from producer to finished products. In France, it is the only fully integrated plant sector.

France is a reference in hemp variety selection. Today, one main player supplies the majority of French industrial hemp and the European market: the Hemp it cooperative. It brings together 155 seed producers and produces 17 varieties intended for all outlets.

In France, 1,550 producers cultivate 23,600 hectares of hemp in 2024. They work closely with hemp processors, with whom they establish production contracts. These contracts, lasting from 1 to 5 years, include specifications detailing expected quality criteria. The harvested straw is stored on farms and delivered to factories according to their needs.

across France
Seven hemp processing facilities in France carry out the primary processing of industrial hemp. Growing demand has pushed two of them to triple their capacity. New hemp processing facilities are emerging, particularly in Isère and the Pyrenees. Some specialize in hemp, while others are multi-production cooperatives.

President of the interprofession, farmer and President of a hemp processing facility, he has a 360° vision of the hemp industry.

Director of InterChanvre, expert in communication and public affairs, as well as general secretary of Construire en Chanvre.

Executive Assistant, CSR expert and textile referent, providing cross-functional support on all subjects.
Membre du bureau
of Hemp Producers

